Creating a Pattern of Success

It feels good when we accomplish what we set out to do. We like the feeling of confidence that completing something brings to us and the skip it puts in our step! When we are able to take consistent steps toward our goals, the success of each step taken builds trust...


Forgiveness is often misunderstood. Its function is not to absolve another of wrongdoing or to condone their hurtful behavior—it’s a gift that brings healing to the one who has been injured. When Jesus said, “Love your enemies,” it wasn’t meant as an admonition to...

Repatterning Your Brain

You are a creator whether you want to be or not. You cannot not create.  Your intent gives rise to your thoughts, your words, and your actions in a sequence of steps that are a part of every creation. Consciously using this process is vital to creating what you want...

Clearing Your Mind of Clutter

Have you noticed how much attention decluttering our living space is getting these days? It seems Americans simply have too much “stuff.” Almost all of us wage an ongoing battle with the accumulation of clutter in our external environment. However,...

Choosing Happiness

Did you know you can choose to be happy? It’s true! We can create happy moments by choosing them. In almost every situation, we have the opportunity to focus on what is positive and is working in our lives . . .or what is not. When we focus on the negative and...