Greater Is That Which Is within Me

For thousands of years we have recognized our spiritual existence—that which is greater than our physical world and our human selves. Virtually every culture has a creation story that recognizes we are products of something greater than ourselves. We have expressed that recognition in religion, ritual, and philosophy by many names: God, Source, Supreme Consciousness, Allah, Brahman, Divine Intelligence, Universal Spirit, I AM, and numerous others.

What has not been realized and acknowledged as often is that we are each a part of that originating Source—we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The British novelist C.S. Lewis stated it more bluntly when he said, “You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”

The recognition of a greater self is not easy in a physical world. From the moment we are born, our focus is on physical survival. As infants we quickly learn that to survive we need food, comfort, and bodily care from a caretaker. Our senses constantly confirm that everything that is real is physical.

By the time we reach adulthood, the physical world has beckoned us in a million ways to give it our primary focus. We can easily become captive to it—and we often do. We become obsessed with money, with accumulation, with having the perfect relationship, with our physical appearance, with having the latest electronic gadgets. Incessant advertising tell us to put our time and money in those things outside of us with the promise they will bring us happiness and give us ever-greater physical and emotional security.

But seeking fulfillment in the world outside ourselves often results in addictions, unhealthy dependencies, and life-wrecking detours. A lifetime can be spent trying to find happiness and security where it does not exist. It’s like the acorn looking outside itself for the oak tree.                               

Eventually, after an accumulation of painful disappointments, most of us reach a point where we realize physical security is an illusion. As we grow older, it becomes clear that everything physical is in a constant process of deterioration. None of it is permanent—not our bodies or our brains, not our houses or our bank accounts. The world we learn to depend on for our security fails us because it must. That which we seek is within us.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. By claiming your spiritual connection and seeking to nurture it, you come to align your thoughts, words, and behaviors with your greater self—with love.


Living Your Best: A Powerful Blueprint for Personal Transformation is a remarkable pathway to a life of greater happiness and well-being. Based on five core principles, this easy-to-use system will transform your thoughts and behavior so you are consistently at your best. Grounded in wisdom that transcends the ages, the “Five Principles” are universal in their application.

What make this book unique is the rich tools and exercises which help you integrate the principles so they become a practical force in your life. Arranged in a flexible format, this program can easily be tailored to accommodate your personal needs and schedule.